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Year of Gratitude

Published: January 9, 2020      Updated: January 9, 2020


The year 2020. It sounds like the beginning of a sci-fi movie. 2020. Really? It seems a little unbelievable to me. The year holds multiple milestones for me. My firstborn will become a legal adult in the spring, in the summer, my birthday brings an unthinkable number with it, and in December my husband and I will celebrate our silver wedding anniversary. Quite a year ahead of me.

What does this year hold for you? I’m looking forward to these milestones, but I’m also just enjoying the days as they present themselves. New year’s resolutions aren’t a tradition for me, but this year I’m trying to eat more home-cooked meals, exercise more, and just enjoy moments as they unfold during my day. 

Gratitude and joy! It always comes back around to those two concepts. For Christmas, a parent gifted me with a beautiful glass jar with the word Gratitude etched on it along with small pieces of decorative paper to write words of gratitude and add to the jar. I love it! I visual reminder to practice gratitude and enjoy life! I’m truly grateful for this school family full of thoughtful people!

Happy 2020!

Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy are in his dwelling place. 1 Chronicles 16:27 NIV