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Update: Starting the School Year

Published: July 17, 2020      Updated: July 17, 2020


Dear Conejo Family,

As of noon today, we have been mandated by the state to begin school with distance learning. My heart is breaking right now, but we will be ready to serve you, our families, to the best of our abilities, virtually, when school begins, and on-campus when we are allowed.

Here is what we know. When Ventura County has been off the COVID watch list for 14 days, we can return to campus. When we return to campus, students in grades 3rd – 8th will be required to wear a mask inside. Now that we have a directive from the state, we can finalize our plans for social distancing inside and outside the classrooms. Our school size will allow us to return to the campus 5 days a week when the order has been lifted because of the many reasons we have previously listed. For this fact, I’m extremely grateful.

The staff is meeting together at the end of next week so more information will be sent to you after that time. As soon as we have more details…schedule, tuition, materials…we will inform you. We want to be completely upfront with all of you so we don’t have any surprises when school begins. As I’m writing this, my mind is whirling, and I know I’m leaving many questions unanswered, but we will work hard to clear up any vague details in the coming weeks.

My prayer today includes all of you. After the news settles in and we have time to think, process, and grieve, we will find the silver lining and remember to be grateful. I’m not there yet, but give me a few hours.

Giant hugs through this email my family! Conejo belongs to God and I know He has a plan for us. His love and care are never-ending.

Blessings to you all,
