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Published: February 20, 2025      Updated: February 20, 2025


I’m having a moment today. I’ve decided I no longer want to be a grown up. Do you ever have such feelings or is it just me? This week I was texting with a friend about a difficult life situation she was experiencing, and I was thinking about how often I write about trusting in God but how often I also write about how difficult it is for me to relinquish control and exercise that trust. I’m like a toddler throwing a tantrum because I want a cookie but when I get a cookie it isn’t the cookie I imagined in my mind, so I throw an even bigger fit. So here is my confession for the day. My plans for the near future are not what I imagined in my mind and I’m throwing a fit, a big fit. I can rationalize myself out of this situation though. If I write about what I should do, just maybe I’ll take my own advice. (I may or may not have also had a friend say this to me very recently.) Here I am, a toddler with a cookie in my hand, screaming and crying on the floor. Maybe if I can pause for enough time to taste that cookie, I’ll find out it is better than what I expected. Maybe I’ll even find out it is better than the cookie I was imagining in my mind. Maybe I’ll even take my own advice. Maybe.  

The father instantly cried out, “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!”  Mark 9: 24 NLT