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 Resilience and Stamina

Published: January 23, 2025      Updated: January 23, 2025


This month has been a lot. Every day seems to present a new challenge and somehow, it is only day 23 of the new year. Is anyone else experiencing a weird time illusion with the days speeding by but also dragging on forever? Maybe it is just me but I’m constantly checking to verify what day I’m currently living. It could just be me.

By the time this month ends, we will have all strengthened our resilience and stamina. At school, we talk about resilience and stamina quite often and now we are living in a real life situation when we as adults, get the opportunity to improve our adulting skills. Are we flexible and resilient enough to survive the days without snapping like a pencil (to borrow an illustration from Ms. Dali) when pressure is applied? Some days are better than others for me but I’m definitely improving with practice and learning to rely on God’s strength.

Tomorrow is a new day and it may come with a new challenge, but we will prevail.

He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Isaiah 40:29 ESV