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Living Together

Published: September 5, 2024      Updated: September 5, 2024


Happy Thursday Conejo Family! I pray you are staying cool and hydrating yourselves well today and the next few days. For some reason, summer waited until school started to appear this year. What a blessing to have air conditioning in all the classrooms and lots of space to move around. It is times like these that make me question the sanity of those like my sister, who choose to live in Phoenix and other such climates. This unusual weather also makes me even more grateful for the mostly mild weather we have the pleasure of enjoying all year long in Ventura County. We are blessed! 

Enough about the weather, but speaking of weather, we had a lovely time at the beach last Friday. It wasn’t sunny but it wasn’t particularly cold, and we had a great turnout. In fact, the majority of those who attended beach day stayed after we packed up to head back to school. A lovely time was had by all even though we did experience one painful stingray sting. Ouch! Thankfully, our student was a brave soul and recovered nicely. Thank you to everyone who came out to join us! We look forward to more chances to spend time with you this school year. 

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! Psalms 133:1 NIV