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Right Direction

Published: April 27, 2023      Updated: April 27, 2023


April showers bring May flowers. However, I think this year, it should be March showers bring April flowers. What a beautiful display of color everywhere in the Conejo Valley and beyond! My own front yard has its very own super bloom of California poppies. So pretty!
Last week while I was out on a walk out behind my house, two young ladies drove past me twice and then stopped to talk to a couple walking up in front of me. The ladies were looking for flowers because they had heard about the super bloom. The couple directed them to head up toward Lancaster or to look online for a specific area. My house backs up to the Santa Monica Mountains, so I guess it was as good of a place as any to start looking but I wondered where the ladies lived and how long they had been driving around looking for flowers before they asked for help.
When I’m not quite sure what I’m doing, or where I’m going, or what I’m looking for, I’ll often ask if someone can point me in the right direction. I feel much better when I know eventually if I keep heading the right way, I’ll find the answer. In my life, I try to surround myself with people who can point me in the right direction. Those influences in my life, allow me to confidently keep walking instead of wandering aimlessly in frustration.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Psalm 32:8 NIV