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Give and Take Away

Published: April 21, 2022      Updated: April 21, 2022


April 21, 2022
The words, You give and take away, you give and take away, My heart will choose to say, Lord, blessed be Your name…are reverberating in my head today for more than one reason. Conejo has been blessed with an excellent staff this year and we are looking forward to the addition of more excellent teachers this fall. However, today I must share the news of a take away for us. Ms. Resler will be moving back up to the Sacramento area this summer. God sent her to us at the perfect time but now He has different plans in store for her and us. Ms. Resler had an additional take away this past weekend. She lost her grandmother after a lengthy illness and the loss is great for her family. While we are beyond sad she won’t be teaching at Conejo next year, it will be a huge comfort for her family to have her home with them. 
Our hope is that Ms. Resler will join our teaching staff again in the future. We will reluctantly allow her to leave us but pray God will bring her back! We love you Ms. Resler! Your organized, cheerful classroom will be missed. Your calm, gentle presence will be missed. Your love of children and your genuine concern for not just their academic success but also for their hearts to know Jesus and truly feel loved will be missed. You will be missed. 
Please keep Ms. Resler’s family in your prayers for their recent loss and Conejo as we begin the search for a new kindergarten teacher.
God gives, God takes. God’s name be ever blessed. Job 1:21 MSG