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There's Music in the Air...Already!

Published: October 28, 2021      Updated: October 28, 2021


October 28, 2021
The holidays are upon us! Are you a no-Christmas-music-until-after-Thanksgiving kind of person or a November-1-is-close-enough kind of person? My house is a mix of the two but we still all love each otherI will try to contain myself but those Christmas songs might become our morning music before too long…there isn’t much that brings me joy like Christmas tunes and twinkly lights. As we move into the holiday season of Thanksgiving and Christmas, find some joy in the little things. More joy in our lives is greatly needed these days. 
I want to thank you all for bringing the joy of a Christian Education to many students here at Conejo. Your help with the Move-a-Thon makes a world of difference to our little ones and not so little ones. Thank you for being God’s hands and feet for your school community! The generosity of others brings me that same warm Christmas song feeling. Thank you, Conejo Family!
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it for me.’" Matthew 25:40 NIV