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The Blessings of Traditions and Routines

Published: February 15, 2024      Updated: February 15, 2024


A Happy Late Valentine’s Day to you all! We had quite the day here at Conejo with balloons, cards, tasty treats, sugar, and more sugar! Oh my! Hopefully, your children weren’t too hyper by the time they arrived home. 

Do you and your family have any traditions for Valentine’s? My dad always sends me flowers, a plant, or some sort of fun gift. I think I’ve written about this experience before, but I love this tradition. Even as an adult, I treasure this thoughtful tradition each year. It is also a good reminder to me to continue traditions with my own children as they continue to get older and not to underestimate the value and importance of traditions and routines. We are interesting creatures because routines can get old and boring, but they also bring a sense of comfort and stability. I’ve been subbing quite a bit these last two weeks, and it is very obvious I’m out of their ordinary and a disruption to the classroom. New and different is fun and incites excitability. However, routine establishes a sense of calm and allows our brains to focus our energy on learning new information instead of trying to establish the boundaries and expectations of the situation. It is never too late to set up routines with our kids to give them the boundaries that they crave and often require for optimal learning. 

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.  Isaiah 26:3 NIV