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Published: November 16, 2023      Updated: November 16, 2023


Does anyone else feel like you are running a marathon right now? I’m not sure where this day went but suddenly it is over and Mrs. Dickerson is waiting on me to send out the newsletter. I must be honest and tell you that I’m looking forward to next week. I love, love, love my job but a little break sounds lovely right now. 
What are you looking forward to next week? My wish is for at least one pajama day where I don’t have to leave my house and don’t have any appointments or responsibilities that require me to look at a clock. We’ll see if that wish comes true. 
My Bible app has the perfect verse for my today. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15 NIV
Enjoy the break from school next week! A blessed Thanksgiving to you all!