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Something Sweet

Published: January 31, 2020      Updated: January 31, 2020


Happy End of January. Is it bad to be glad a month is almost over? As much as I’m grateful for my life and life circumstances, the last month has brought much sadness to me and many people around me. My end goal is to take the sadness and turn it around to find the blessing on the other side. Seventh and eighth grade illustrated this point last week at the end of their Bible unit by breaking open a piñata filled with tasty treats. Out of brokenness, God can create something sweet. Life is precious and short so please love the people around you and find joy in each day. Life is also too short to dwell on the negative and diminish God’s blessings around us.

Today, I want to invite you to join my church family this Saturday for a special church service and afternoon seminar. The Place has a special speaker from Cedar’s Sinai Hospital who will be addressing how we, family and friends, can support a person with cancer or a serious illness. Following the church service, lunch will be provided, and then at 2:30 there will be a panel of speakers discussing the same topic. I hope you can join us or invite someone you think might benefit from this day. The flyer has more details for you or feel free to contact me if you have questions. I’m looking forward to this opportunity to learn how I can help support and love on friends during a difficult time in life.

Much love to you Conejo Family! Here’s to a joyful February!

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 NIV