Happy Drizzly Thursday to you! The weather today is calling me to sit by a fireplace and read a book. Maybe tomorrow evening will allow me to live out this relaxing scenario and it is perfect timing since Reading Emphasis Week begins today! Your student should have information in his/her folder and this newsletter has the flyer as well. This next week is a wonderful opportunity to have some screen-free afternoons/evenings as a family and to enjoy reading stories together. Reading can grow your student in all academic areas and in other areas of life. There are a lot of studies about the benefits of reading as little as 20 minutes a day. Those 20 minutes are like compound interest and exponentially increase knowledge and skills. As you might guess, my home is filled with books that I’ve either read or intend to read but I’m a little like the child that fills her plate with food at a buffet and only eats a portion of it. I have a difficult time giving away books and passing up an interesting title to purchase so my collection increases faster than it decreases. Some day when I’m retired and have a lot of free time, I will read all the books in my possession, or at least I’ll attempt to read the shelves of books waiting for me. But until then, I’ll continue to grow my collection and slowly make my way through the books I own. I hope this week will be a chance for you and your family to intentionally connect through reading by setting aside a time each evening to devote to reading in creative ways and settings during Reading Emphasis Week. Happy reading Conejo Family!
Don’t turn your back on wisdom, for she will protect you. Love her, and she will guard you. Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment. Proverbs 4:6-7 NLT