Well, we made it! Tomorrow is the last day of instruction for the school year and now it is just getting the odds and ends completed and materials returned to campus. Congratulations! We are all graduating to a new phase of life. Moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, aunties, uncles, sisters, brothers…a summer free of helping with school work, clarifying concepts, trouble-shooting chrome book questions, and such. Even if you are working at your actual job, your job of home-teacher will be done! You made it!!! I hope you find a way to celebrate the end of the school year together with your children. They deserve a celebration too!
While this was not the end we were expecting when school began in August, I’m impressed with the perseverance and positive attitudes of all our graduates. Yesterday, our 8th grade graduates came in to school to record their part for graduation, since we can’t be together to celebrate them with a ceremony at church. As each student recorded their part, I was struck with the joy and resilience of these kids. The 8th graders chose Riley as their president and they chose wisely. Riley delivered a speech worthy of national broadcast. This is a class of determined survivors! They will go far in life because they have an excellent grasp on what is important in the end. There will be many bumps and bruises in life, but they already know not to let those bumps and bruises slow them down. I’m extremely proud of the graduating class of 2020!
Next Thursday, we will have a car parade to honor and celebrate our graduates. I hope you can all take some time out of your evening to show our 8th graders some love! The newsletter has more details about how and when this parade will take place. Then, later that evening, we will release their recorded graduation ceremony on YouTube. When you have some time, please watch their graduation on YouTube because you will see this remarkable group of students again in the future!
Their class verse: God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12 NLT