September 17, 2020
Week Two…I’m exhausted how about you??? Happy but exhausted. Yesterday, a miracle happened, but I think my brain was too tired to react in an appropriate manner. Here is my story.
About a month ago, I received a Federal Jury Summons. Jury duty. I don’t really have time right now, but I will do my part. Little did I realize, a Federal Summons is different. Instead of just one day of service, this summons requires one day a week for a year. What? Oh my! So of course, I filled out the online questionnaire to be excused. How could I possibly be in Pasadena at a courthouse once a week? With our campus restrictions and my responsibilities, to find someone to fill in would be an impossibility. I filled out the request to be excused and listed as many reasons as I could think of to be released from this service. Approximately one week later, I checked my status and saw my request was denied. Oh no.
The following week, at the close of our school board meeting, I asked for advice. One of our board members is a DA and told me the best course of action would be to ask to postpone my service, as it is extremely difficult to be excused from a Federal Summons. Ok. At least I could wait until summer...hopefully.
It was several days before I logged back into the system to fill out the request to postpone my service. When I logged on, I was caught in a never-ending circle of clicking on how to postpone but never landing on anything that let me fill out the request. So, frustrating. Another day. I’ll try it on another day or from another computer as I’m sometimes unable to see forms in my browser. Maybe that was the problem. The days continued to pass, and in the back of my mind I kept thinking I needed to try again. Then, as I was leaving school yesterday, an email caught my eye.
Your request to postpone has been approved. What? What request to postpone? When I opened the email, it said my request to postpone jury duty had been approved and my service was postponed until June 15, 2021. What? I never filled out the request. I couldn’t find the request form. How did this happen?
I have no explanation other than God put in a request for me. I supposed it is possible there is some sort of glitch in the system, but how could a glitch know I needed to wait until school was over next June. God knew. God knows what I need before I even ask. I needed this taken off my plate and He took it off. Thank you. Miracles still happen, even when I’m too tired to be properly amazed.
Have a blessed end to your week,
Mrs. Lew
Your Father knows exactly what you need before you ask Him! Matthew 6:8b NLT