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Looking for Miracles

Published: December 9, 2021      Updated: December 9, 2021


Christmas miracles. Have you experienced any miracles lately? In 6th grade, we’ve been looking at Christ’s birth here on earth during our Bible class. When I thought about miracles as a younger person, I used to imagine grandiose events like Daniel in the lions’ den and Lazarus being raised from the dead. As I’ve grown older, I realize that miracles happen each day, it just depends on my perspective. Jesus being born as a baby was certainly the greatest miracle, but the birth of every baby is a miracle, maybe not as significant as Jesus coming down from heaven, but a miracle none the less.

Birth is a miracle, but every day of life is also a miracle if I choose to believe that fact. Every day is a new opportunity to find and acknowledge daily miracles in my life, big and small. This Christmas season I’m looking for miracles. When I look, I find them in abundance…a word of encouragement on a discouraging day, a hug from a kindergarten student accompanied with a smile, dogs waking up Mrs. Shea (ask your 3rd or 4th grader about this), old neighbors greeting a new family at church, thoughtful video messages from students orchestrated by my Secret Santa (Mrs. Fitzgerald), rain pausing for our morning prayer together…look for the daily miracles. They are everywhere!

Blessings to you and may your week be filled with miracles Conejo Family!

All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means “God is with us”). Isaiah 7:14 NLT