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Published: April 29, 2021      Updated: April 29, 2021


April 29, 2021
And we come to the close of another month…April has brought us new adventures and activities. The return of sports has added an element of busyness but also the sense of normalcy to our campus. April has added two new teachers for the fall and the excitement of another new beginning for our campus. April also brings us closer to the exit of our 8thgraders and Mrs. Doyle and family. Change, even exciting change, is not easy for me, and if you have even been to graduation, you know how good I am at good-byes. Oh boy. I’ve got a little over a month before I face graduation. I can do it.
At this moment, I’m imagining graduation and an even closer good-bye that will take place tomorrow with the Schmucker family and I’m having a hard time keeping it together. I’m longing for our next school year with more opportunities to bond together as a school family. I’m longing for in-person events to celebrate the talents of our young people. I’m longing for a life with no good-byes. Today, I’m preparing myself for the many “see-you-later” moments that are quickly approaching. At the same time, I’m attempting to put my longing aside and thanking God for this glorious life and the people who warm my heart. 
A happy heart makes the face cheerful. Proverbs 15:13 NIV