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Living Vulnerably

Published: November 7, 2019      Updated: December 30, 2019


As a staff, we listened to a TED Talk last week and the speaker was talking about living vulnerably.  What?  That sounds scary to me but I could relate to her observations.  To be vulnerable means I must be real.  The world we inhabit is filled with perfect Instagram and Facebook lives.  Portraying a perfect life doesn’t make it real though. It usually increases those feelings of insecurity and puts up even more walls around authenticity.  When I live in a guarded way, to block out the unpleasant emotions, I also block the pleasant emotions.  If I live in fear, I can’t experience joy.  If I live in denial, I can’t be grateful. Hmm…

I’m challenging myself to live a more authentic life so I can fully experience the daily joys and be grateful for even the small things in my day.  The unexpected Starbucks’ treat on my desk.  The innocent laughter of a 1st grader.  The bunny eating leaves in my yard. 

I’m choosing (remind me that I wrote this down for many people to read) to live through the uncomfortable moments and live in a real way so I can experience more joy.  Joy!  I need more joy.

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalms 118:24 NLT