Happy Almost 4th of July! 2020 is half over and I’m optimistically believing the second half is going to be better than the first half but regardless of what tomorrow brings, I choose to be grateful!
This last weekend, I celebrated half a century of life. A dear friend that some of you know, Mrs. Sandman, drove down from the Sacramento area to surprise me and arranged a lunch with friends. I was completely shocked and overwhelmed by her thoughtfulness. I was also blessed to celebrate with more friends and have a delightful breakfast during the weekend as well as dinner with my family. Facebook and my phone filled with birthday wishes from many of you and long-time friends. Blessed and overwhelmed.
What made the weekend even more special, was the fact that it was almost normal life. Of course, I was wearing a mask to and from events but I was in the presence of people. Even my introverted self is missing the physical presence of people in doses larger than one person. I’m sure Mrs. Dickerson will be tired of seeing just me in the office by the end of the summer but summer will end thankfully and our school family will return.
My list of gratitude is growing! Thank you, Conejo Family for being a part of my life!
You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence. Psalms 16:11A NLT