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Great Conejo Oaks

Published: April 16, 2020      Updated: April 16, 2020


Hello Conejo Family! How are you doing? How are you really doing? Today, the sun is shining, I can hear birds singing, I can see beautiful bright orange poppies out my window, my dog is napping near me, and I’m not happy. Not sure why, but today I just feel blue. How about you?

For a little over two weeks, I have not been feeling well. Nothing crazy bad but not well for sure. Do I have the virus? Maybe. Did my body just decide now was the time to be sick? Maybe. Whatever the reason, I’m not feeling well and I’m tired of not feeling well. To be on the safe side, I’ve been working from home and I’m missing school. Mrs. Shea sent me a video of one of her students singing this morning and now I’m crying. Literally, my entire life from age 7 on, I’ve been in school either as a student or a teacher. I’m missing school. I think I’m also coming to the realization that even when I’m working back at school, there won’t be children singing and laughing and arguing and learning and sharing and…I’m missing my Conejo Family. 

I invite you to reach out to people during this odd time of our existence. Don’t be afraid to have real emotions and to share those emotions with friends or family. As you know, I cry often but I rarely cry from sadness. I don’t share this information with you today for sympathy but rather just to share as a person. We are recreating our lives almost daily as regulations and the world changes around us. It seems odd to grieve the loss of the hustle and bustle of life but the loss of the hustle and bustle has also removed many daily joys from our lives. This morning I’m going to grieve and then this afternoon, I’m going to count my blessings! The blessings always outweigh the losses. I think I’ll watch our teacher music video now…I need some joy!

Smile Conejo! A parent, and fellow elder at The Place, shared this scripture with me last night. It is especially fitting for me today and for all of us “great oaks” in the Conejo Valley!

To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory. Isaiah 61:3 NLT