Happy Thursday Conejo Family! How was your beginning of October? I was just reading this week about the month of October for teachers. The excitement of a new year has worn off, kids are settling in and getting comfortable, parents have adjusted to the new routine, and the new normal arrives. With that new normal, teachers often experience burn-out as they now relax. I would dare say this burn-out doesn’t just effect teachers but students and parents as well.
We are all comfortable now. Comfortable and tired. Last week, I caught myself answering a student just a little too quickly. It was the fourth or fifth student who had asked me the same question, but regardless, we weren’t sitting in class, we were outside so they weren’t listening to me answer their friends. After I spoke, I wish that I had paused for a moment and addressed that fifth student the same way I had addressed the first student. Teacher fail, but lesson learned. The more mistakes I make, the more I grow. We talk about this fact in math class all the time, but it is true in all situations not just math class. Mistakes equal growth. Sometimes that mistake gets repeated before the growth happens, but with enough practice, the mistake changes behavior.
Here is a reminder to myself not to repeat my mistake now that I’m comfortable…and tired.