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Chisled by God

Published: September 9, 2021      Updated: September 9, 2021


September 9, 2021
Time for a weekly snippet from me, and I’ve concluded my views this year will probably be filled with 6thgrade stories. Our Bible class has been about life make-overs and the difference God makes in our lives. I will be honest and admit that I didn’t preview the video the curriculum asked me to show my class this week. When I was preparing for the lesson, I went so far as to find the video on YouTube to make sure it existed but didn’t watch more than the first 10 seconds prior to class. What a surprise for me as the skit played out on the screen. 
The Skit Guys presented God’s Chisel and I was not prepared for the tears that came to my eyes. After the video, several students made the same comment. “I was crying. Well, maybe not crying but my eyes watered.” We watched as the main character was chiseled by God and he slowly realized he was a masterpiece created by God and loved beyond measure. Powerful. A masterpiece. If only we could all live in that love each day. We are loved. We are masterpieces created by The Creator. If you have an extra 12 minutes today, look up God’s Chisel by the Skit Guys. You won’t be disappointed. 
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 NLT