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Blessed Just Because

Published: March 11, 2021      Updated: March 11, 2021


March 11, 2021
Blessed. Do you ever have people in your life that bless you with words or actions? This last week, I was blessed more than once in unexpected ways. One morning, the staff was showered with buckets of coffee, doughnuts, and fresh fruit. What a thoughtful gesture for all of us. A “just because” blessing to brighten our day. The food was greatly appreciated but knowing that a family went out of their way to bring us the treat meant even more to me. In fact, no surprise but I’m tearing up just thinking about it again. Blessed. 
This week, I asked a class to help me out with a little task on campus. They obliged but two classmates went above and beyond. These two students did more than I asked and readily volunteered themselves to complete the task and then even went so far as to remedy a mistake I made. What touched me the most with these students, was the fact that they volunteered to help “just because” they wanted to help me and our school. They expected nothing in return. They helped me to help me. Blessed. 
I’m blessed to belong to a community of people who love each other and lift each other up. Thank you for being part of my community. 
All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God. Deuteronomy 28:2 NIV